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Agenda For The Nation 2013 And Beyond-III

Agenda for the nation 2013 and beyond-III

Over the past five years, extremely bad governance wrought with corruption and compromise in the name of continuity of democracy has brought the country to a disastrous point. This has…

‘A Harmful Trend In Banking Sector’

‘A harmful trend in banking sector’

Apropos editorial 'A harmful trend in banking sector', I find it necessary to highlight some of the important and relevant missing links that need more attention and clarity. It seems…

What Ails The SBP?

What ails the SBP?

The amendments made to Section 9 of the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) Act in 1994, 1997 and 2012 have redefined the role and responsibilities of the Central Board of…

Lessons From Cyprus

Lessons from Cyprus

A few years down memory lane, who would’ve thought that Cyprus – the Russian tax haven and the hub of a massive banking bubble – would bear such a mammoth…

Institutional Pillage

Institutional pillage

`Fiscal Neanderthals`. This is how a friend used to describe the finance and FBR bureaucracy and their parliamentary `handlers` after each bout of resistance to tax reform and the introduction…