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A Controversial Scheme

A controversial scheme

The government might not be able to push it through parliament, but for now our rulers are lending support to a controversial tax amnesty bill. For a government about to…

By Diplomacy, Not Revenge

By diplomacy, not revenge

Skirmishes at the India-Pakistan Line of Control (LoC) in the Mendhar sector in Jammu have spilled blood and precipitated a crisis that could snowball into a destructive conflict unless it’s…

South Asia`s Daughter

South Asia`s daughter

The tragic gang rape and murder of a 23-yearold medical student in Delhi on Dec 16 has led to widespread outrage across India, forcing the government to consider new laws…

The Monti Option

The Monti option

Pakistan will hold its next parliamentary and presidential elections this year. Many Pakistanis see this first ever completion of its term by an elected civilian government as cause for celebration.…

The Line Of Control

The Line of Control

Haji Pir Pass is a vital geographical feature on the western Pir Panjal ranges that stride across Indian-occupied Kashmir and Azad Kashmir.  This makes it strategic enough for both sides…

2008 Versus 2013

2008 versus 2013

In my article, ‘The worst is still to come’, published on January 1, I had written that “under the most likely business-as-usual scenario, Pakistan’s economic downturn is likely to gain…

Prosperity Through Inequality?

Prosperity through inequality?

Economists are generally fond of using curves, graphs, and models. These tools help in explaining economic concepts and theories, sometimes acquiring a dogma-like status with economists. This is also true…

Middle-class Messiahs

Middle-class messiahs

Pakistan’s middle class is understandably the socioeconomic group most disencPohanted with Pakistan’s governance status. The upper class, free from the worries of making a living, actually benefits from the current…

Gilgit-Baltistan In Limbo

Gilgit-Baltistan in limbo

Even after six decades, the people of GilgitBaltistan continue to suffer in constitutional limbo despite their unconditional accession to Pakistan. In spite of efforts to integrate with Pakistan, the people…

The Democrats’ Duty

The democrats’ duty

While the decision by quite a few parties to take a common stand against those who are obviously out to scuttle the boat of democracy is something to be welcomed,…