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Minimum Wage Politics

Minimum wage politics

On May 1, 2012, the then Prime Minister of Pakistan, Yousuf Raza Gilani, announced in front of a charged crowd that the minimum wage in Pakistan was to be raised…

PTI Settles Ideologically

PTI settles ideologically

Right-wing is used for being conservative and pro-rich in economic policy making as well as being conservative and pro-religion in social policy making. The ‘confused conservatism’, which was taken for…

FATF And AML Compliance Requirements

FATF and AML compliance requirements

1. Legal Measures: Criminalization of Offences, Investigations and Prosecutions: FATF recommendations require Criminalization of money laundering through domestic legislation.1 The recommendations also provide to specify the scope of liability in…

Financial Tsunami

Financial tsunami

Political tsunami, as popularised by Imran Khan, is now well-known in Pakistan. What is not known is ‘financial tsunami’, which has struck Pakistani shores in the last two weeks. This…

Foreign Investment

Foreign investment

Four features of Finance Minister P Chidambaram’s budget stand out. First, thanks to its obsession with reducing the fiscal deficit, the budget fails to raise social-sector expenditure – just when…

Moving A Bullock-cart Of A Nation

Moving a bullock-cart of a nation

Unity, faith, discipline...forget the first two: call this a disciplined nation? Put food on the table, say at a marriage feast, and we can’t get that right, scarcely satisfied unless…

Between Peril And Promise

Between peril and promise

What is the state of Pakistan`s economy? Or, perhaps of greater relevance, the broader state of the `union`? Each year, the highly-regarded and widely followed annual report of the State…

The Care They Can Take

The care they can take

The constitution is silent on the precise role of the caretaker government. There is a general agreement that the caretaker setup should not take any action that favors one political…

MFN Status For India Now

MFN status for India now

ThePakistan government had resolved in principle to give India MFN status by end of 2012. Regrettably, it has sought an extension in the implementation of this decision, an outcome that…

Soptlight: Donkey Years? No, Much Worse!

Soptlight: Donkey years? No, much worse!

In business concerns, whether industries or commercial enterprises, there is a two-word term used to describe an employee's experience whose length does not have much to show by way of…