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Apolitical Solutions

Apolitical solutions

As the 18th Saarc Summit gets underway, most people continue to be confused over the aims and objectives of the association. Many wonder if the objective is for smaller nations…

The Credibility Imperative

The credibility imperative

As a successful businessman, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif would know about the old adage that one unhappy customer will do more damage to your reputation than ten happy ones can…

Between The Soldier And The Citizen

Between the soldier and the citizen

Brainstorm. What comes to your mind when speaking of some fundamental contradictions within the Pakistani state and society, from the time of independence 66 years ago until now? Between the…

Mainstreaming Modi

Mainstreaming Modi

IN February 2002, 2,000 Muslim men, women and children were killed by Hindu mobs in India’s Gujrat state. A Special Report by Human Rights Watch concluded that: “The attacks on…

The Next Man

The next man

The rumours, assertions, denials and general gupshup regarding the appointment of the new chief of army staff – a most important decision to be made by the prime minister –…