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Election Outlook-XVIII: Equal Distribution Of Misery

Election Outlook-XVIII: Equal distribution of misery

The equal distribution of electricity loadshedding across Pakistan has brought to one's mind Winston Churchill's famous words that 'the inherent virtue of socialism is its equal distribution of misery', although…

The Obstacles Ahead

The obstacles ahead

It would be naïve on the part of the new government as it formulates its policy towards Afghanistan, not to recognise that there is a nexus of sorts between the…

Rigging And Formation Of Government

Rigging and formation of government

Pakistan Muslim league (N) has emerged as the single largest party with 123 seats requiring 13 seats to form an overall majority in the national assembly. Markets have reacted favourably…

The Concept Of Self-discipline

The concept of self-discipline

Democracy calls for higher levels of self-discipline. The technology is imbibed in higher technological elements of personality. As humans, we talk of technology transfers and all those modern words which…

Pathways To Growth

Pathways to growth

On the whole, political parties have revealed little in their manifestos of what economic philosophy will govern their policies once in power — will it be the path of liberalisation,…

Human Hybrids In Economic System

Human hybrids in economic system

What is more important - knowledge of economics as taught and practised in the West or Wisdom as practised in the East or local level ethics? Pakistan has always been…

China Can Teach

China can teach

I have had the considerable good luck to visit China with national and international organisations but the valuable insight into China that one gained on official visits with the Pakistani…

Waiting For Foreign Minister

Waiting for Foreign Minister

Sixty-four years ago, almost to the day today, premiered Beckett's Waiting for Godot. The absent character, Godot, gave rise to all kinds of theories - religious (divinity questioned?), social (proletariat…

The Option Of A Phoney Dialogue

The option of a phoney dialogue

In his speech to the AJK Council on November 20, Nawaz Sharif reiterated Pakistan’s traditional stand on the Kashmir dispute in language that was refreshingly direct. About 12 minutes of…