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Is This The Problem?

Is this the problem?

In an article titled ‘Is Pakistan’s condition terminal?’ published in Foreign Policy, Robert Hathaway, director of the Asian Programme at the Woodrow Wilson International Centre for Scholars in Washington, has…

The Zardari Legacy

The Zardari legacy

For the past four decades the PPP has thrived on the enduring Bhutto legacy. But it is the Zardari legacy on which the party is likely to be judged in…

IP Pipeline: The Energy Corridor

IP pipeline: the energy corridor

Amidst heightened frenzy of elections approaching in Pakistan, the President of Pakistan announced the commencement of Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline (IP)on March 11, 2013.The purpose of this project was to import…

Smart Grids

Smart grids

Pakistan's electricity infrastructure has served the country well for the past several decades. However, with the passage of time and rapidly increasing demand, it is fast approaching its limitations. This…

Politics And The Pipeline

Politics and the pipeline

The ground-breaking ceremony for the Pakistan section of the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline last Monday was an event of high symbolic importance. It was designed to seal Pakistan’s commitment to finally…

Gwadar And ‘the Great Game’

Gwadar and ‘the great game’

It is perhaps a less known fact that when President Richard Nixon visited Pakistan in 1973, Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto sought US help to construct a new port at…

The Cup And The Lip

The cup and the lip

Amidst heightened frenzy of elections approaching in Pakistan, presidents of both the Islamic Republics of Iran and Pakistan jointly laid down the foundation stone of the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline (IP)…

Who Stands Where

Who stands where

This time last year, drone attacks, suspended Nato supplies, trade with India and, above all, relations with the US were issues that were causing political temperatures in the country to…

In Times Of Uncertainty

In times of uncertainty

The term “national security” is heard often but there is little comprehension of its integral component, the concept of national security uncertainty. This refers to the presence of ill-defined or…

Tough Tasks Ahead

Tough tasks ahead

When the present parliament ends its term tonight, the tenure of the government will also be over and the focus will shift to the elections and then the challenges facing…