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No Wrong Turn Now

No wrong turn now

It is time the pernicious idea of giving a few years` contract to some caretakers to clean up Pakistan`s rotten-egg politics and put the affairs of the state in order…

Change: Order Vs Disorder

Change: order vs disorder

The Bible says there is a time for every purpose under heaven - "A time to be born and a time to die;...a time to weep and a time to…

The Fundamentalist Mind

The fundamentalist mind

Fundamentalism is a controversial term, ascribed first to 19thcentury American Protestant groups which preached strict adherence to basic biblical tenets. It is now applied loosely to all groups exhibiting broadly…

Limits Of Strategy

Limits of strategy

The government can influence the growth rate primarily by providing an adequate physical and social infrastructure and creating the policy and institutional environment for privatesector investment. The reasons for the…

The Care They Can Take

The care they can take

The constitution is silent on the precise role of the caretaker government. There is a general agreement that the caretaker setup should not take any action that favors one political…

The Unsung Hero Of Kargil

The unsung hero of Kargil

“Gentlemen! Thank you very much for gracing our Independence Day”. That is how President Bill Clinton greeted Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and his team at Blair House, the US Presidential…

Love In The Time Of Hate

Love in the time of hate

Years ago when I still made regular visits to Pakistan, a young journalist came up to me in a shopping mall and asked for my thoughts on `St. Valentine`s Day`.…

A Year In Pakistan

A year in Pakistan

My previous experience in Pakistan included looking down on Peshawar from the Khyber Pass in Afghanistan and receiving some rocket fire from the eastern side of the border while in…

Before Disaster Strikes

Before disaster strikes

Another high-profile, low-output meeting on Afghanistan has been held. On February 3-4 Prime Minister David Cameron met the presidents of Afghanistan and Pakistan at Chequers, his country residence, for trilateral…