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Karzai On The Warpath

Karzai on the warpath

Perhaps of all the bizarre and grim developments in Afghanistan over the last few days the one that takes the cake is President Hamid Karzai’s press conference on Saturday. After…

The Unmet Expectations

The unmet expectations

The much awaited and greatly threatened elections have finally been held. A large part of the credit goes to the people of Pakistan who, despite grave threats, thronged the polling…

Ideology Of Pakistan

Ideology of Pakistan

There have been several articles dealing either directly or indirectly with the Ideology of Pakistan. I was surprised to read an editorial in Business Recorder stating that; "General Sher Ali…

Militants’ Language

Militants’ language

Pakistan had braced itself for a ‘bloody’ election. It’s bad enough that being resigned to this reality was a prerequisite for further democratic consolidation. But the carnage that is unfolding…

Sri Lanka And The Commonwealth

Sri Lanka and the Commonwealth

There must have been a huge sigh of relief among government circles in Colombo at the conclusion of the Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group meeting in London on April 26. Although…

The General’s Speech

The general’s speech

The contents of General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani’s recent speech on the occasion of Youm-e-Shuhada (Martyrs’ Day) aside, it was a sad reminder that this is now a regular event on…

Discussion On Elections At The Frontline Club

Discussion on elections at the Frontline Club

After Benazir Bhutto’s assassination over five years ago (how time flies!), the only political figure in Pakistan foreigners have heard of is Imran Khan. His fame is largely attributable to…

The Whirligig Of Time

The whirligig of time

Every general election in Pakistan is an exercise in self-flagellation. It provides an occasion for adult voters and their elected representatives, like contrite sinners, to scourge themselves in an attempt…