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Bar Politics

Bar politics

The bar councils are mandated to regulate the legal profession. However, they have become increasingly politicised. Politics is not bad per se. But, politics for politics’ sake is redundant in…

Economic Crimes: A Truly Global Threat

Economic crimes: a truly global threat

As we work to recover from a financial meltdown and near economic collapse the threat posed by economic crime is fresh in the air. These crimes emerge as a result…

The Thinking Trap

The thinking trap

Even as tragedy surrounds us, what is still more tragic is the fashion in which we allow thinking to be distorted and events twisted to fit specific notions. In many…

Respect In The Right Place

Respect in the right place

As always, it comes back to the same issues. One reason we find ourselves faced with a sea of problems lies in our inability over the past six and a…

The Economics Of Happiness

The economics of happiness

Economics is not about mathematical numbers. The WB/IMF would have us believe in the material aspects of the economy. All the Third World countries are enamoured by it as this…

Political Chessboard

Political chessboard

Pakistani politics has changed dramatically recently. In 2014, the conservatives were badly fractured, with Pakistan’s three biggest conflicts raging among social, political and economic conservatives (PML-N vs. the army; the…

Politics Post-poll Inquiry Report

Politics post-poll inquiry report

The Supreme Court commission inquiring into the vote rigging allegations has done its job in a largely satisfactory manner. According to it, the general elections 2013 were held in accordance…

Games Of Fraud

Games of fraud

The story on the Axact company’s educational fraud, broken by the New York Times has created waves, big waves, that have stirred up an immediate storm. This then is the…

The Quest For An Islamic State

The quest for an Islamic state

The political ferment in Pakistan over the last few months has unexpectedly prompted excessive scrutiny and comment on my article, ‘The illusion of parliamentary democracy’ (October 26). There has been…

The Face Value Of Low Interest Rates

The face value of low interest rates

In a rather surprising move the Governor of State Bank of Pakistan (SBP), while announcing the monetary policy at a press conference last weekend, reduced the interest rate to a…