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Agenda For The Nation 2013 And Beyond-III

Agenda for the nation 2013 and beyond-III

Over the past five years, extremely bad governance wrought with corruption and compromise in the name of continuity of democracy has brought the country to a disastrous point. This has…

Loss Of Profi

Loss of profi

In the business world, the term "Loss of Profit" is generally associated with the insurance business and relates to a transaction where loss of profit arising from a shutdown of…

What Did Mujib Want?

What did Mujib want?

During a parliamentary debate, Aitzaz Ahsan once chided his friend, late Sher Afghan Niazi about December being a difficult month for the Niazis of Mianwali. The remark, quite possibly, might…

Sheer Ignorance Of Law?

Sheer ignorance of law?

Ignorantia juris non excusat or ignorantia legis neminem excusat (Latin for "ignorance of the law does not excuse" or "ignorance of the law excuses no one") is a legal principle…