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PPO: A Good Law

PPO: a good law

The Protection of Pakistan Ordinance (PPO) promulgated in the third week of October 2013 amended in January 2014 has fuelled accusations by members of the opposition that the amendment was…

Reforming Education

Reforming education

It is not possible to create an a priori blueprint for reforming the entire educational system. The creation of such a blueprint can only be led by major stakeholders within…

Zero-gravity Decision Making

Zero-gravity decision making

For longer than one can remember, one of the primary criticisms of the House of Sharif is that it is a decision-making apex that is extremely complex, and almost entirely…

The Good PPO

The good PPO

There are two different groups opposing the Protection of Pakistan Ordinance (PPO) -- human rights groups for whom it is a matter of primary and professional concern, and the bad…

View Point: New Pak-Saudi Terms Of Endearment

View Point: New Pak-Saudi terms of endearment

Two interesting visitors came calling this month from a brotherly Muslim country. First to arrive was the Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal to lay down the groundwork for what…

Less Talk, More Action

Less talk, more action

Given the sharply rising arc of terrorist violence in the country, any work undertaken to revive the economy will be nothing more than tinkering at the margins. What is required…

The Path To Reconciliation

The path to reconciliation

DESPITE Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s assurances to President Hamid Karzai on the subject during his recent visit to Kabul, much mystery still surrounds the release of Mullah Baradar. However, the…

Enemies Of Joy

Enemies of joy

Again and again, there is this evidence that we are not able or allowed to live like normal, civilised individuals. Our rights as citizens of a free and democratic nation…

Education And Extremism

Education and extremism

IN reaction to MalalaYousafzai`s speech to the Youth Assembly at the United Nations in July this year, the Pakistani Taliban advised her to return home and to join any madressah…

The Hunger Challenge

The hunger challenge

Recent studies reveal rising inflation and unemployment creating high misery for people. Fuelled by these adverse reports, food insecurity, poverty and malnutrition problems had again momentarily hit national headlines, as…