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Mapping The Establishment

Mapping the establishment

As the battle rages between the political government and its rival, popularly known as the establishment, the public silently awaits the final result. For some, the civilian government has already…

Lessons For The US

Lessons for the US

There were significant moments in the 20th century when heightened awareness of major human values – freedom, justice, order, security etc – forced American, and other western thinkers and academics…

Turkey’s Erdogan Decade

Turkey’s Erdogan decade

Not long ago, Turkey was a security state where the establishment controlled policy through a shadow government. A clandestine network of military officers and their civilian proxies exercised utmost ‘legitimacy’…

Shadow politics

Adopting an innovative approach months before the general election, the Jamaat-e-Islami has, probably for the first time in Pakistan, named a ‘shadow’ chief minister. The party’s choice for would-be chief…

The Meaning Of Modi’s Victory

The meaning of Modi’s victory

With Narendra Milosevic Modi’s third consecutive victory, Gujarat has taken a big step backwards and India has suffered a political setback. The result will raise Modi’s ambition to play a…

Defining imperialism

Is there a Saudi imperialism? No, there is not. Still, the term ‘Saudi imperialism’ is fast creeping into left-liberal narratives. Drawing our attention to ‘Saudi imperialism’, such narratives refer to…

No time for mutiny

The symbol of an Anglican bishop is a crook (a hooked staff); and that of an archbishop is a double cross. Coincidentally, that’s what many of the English used to…

In The Cross-hairs Of Change

In the cross-hairs of change

And that perhaps lies at the heart of our current political imbroglio political and state grandees are not ready to understand the true dynamics of change. If they do grudgingly,…

The Year Gone By

The year gone by

As another frantic year comes to an end, I want to know who pushed the fast-forward button. Why is it that life seems to speed up as you get older?…

The Women From Kohistan

The women from Kohistan

Four women clapping and two men dancing appeared in a grainy cellphone video from a remote village said to be in Kohistan. The ill-fated gathering was said to have occurred…