Sri Lanka and the Commonwealth
There must have been a huge sigh of relief among government circles in Colombo at the conclusion of the Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group meeting in London on April 26. Although…
There must have been a huge sigh of relief among government circles in Colombo at the conclusion of the Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group meeting in London on April 26. Although…
The law lags behind public opinion and public opinion lags behind social necessities. The soundness of Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes’ warning is felt acutely in the law concerning the press.…
The group of drones that scouted and killed Anwar al-Awlalci took off from southern Saudi Arabia. It was a morning in September 2011 and the sun was shining clear and…
Musharraf landed back in his home country a while back but the why and how of it continues to be the subject of conjecture and speculation. How come a man…
Myanmar is a country that is supposed to be recovering from years of dictatorial rule and moving towards democracy and an opening up to the rest of the world. It…
The trial of Saudi Mohammad Fahad al-Qahtani had been going on since June 2012 in the criminal court in Riyadh. When Mr Qahtani appeared in court on March 9 this…
With a congressional hearing in the United States on the drone issue set for April 23, some groups in that country are making efforts to create a consensus for bringing…
The polling day is still three weeks away but with the publication last Friday of the final list of candidates cleared by the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP), it is…
Pakistan is ruled and controlled by predatory elites in whose hands power and wealth are concentrated. The ruling elites - comprising indomitable military-civil-judicial complex, unscrupulous politicians, mighty religious party leaders,…
The coalition partners, who ruled Pakistan during the past five years, claim (except MQM) that their term in office marked the epitome of democracy because it undid what 'dictator' Musharraf…