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BD’s Return To Democracy

BD’s return to democracy

BANGLADESH has once again overwhelmingly opted for a democratic political system. Bangladesh, which emerged as a consequence of the thwarting of the popular will by a military dictator, has witnessed…

Edging To The Brink

Edging to the brink

After sixty-two years of bludgeoning through sequential alleys of darkness, suffering the agonies of military dictatorships, ill-governance, institutionalised crime and widespread corruption that sunk in deep, the country finally saw…

Amid The Congratulations

Amid the congratulations

There is a lot of trumpeting and congratulations over the fact that dictatorship has been eliminated from Pakistan forever because of the newly revamped "treason" clause in the proposed 18th…

Zia’s Decade Of Darkness

Zia’s decade of darkness

Lahore under terror siege Lahore under terror siege the unenviable position of the most invidious of Pakistan’s rulers, among democrats and dictators alike, is occupied by Ziaul Haq, the dictator-general…



At the outset this is not an article praising our Egyptian brothers for their tremendous feat of removing a 30-year-old dictatorship. Political analysts are more competent to comment on the…

NRO Is Dead, Long Live NRO

NRO is dead, long live NRO

The highly controversial National Reconciliation Ordinance is dead since November 2009, but only legally and constitutionally. Politically, however, the NRO-which represented a power-sharing arrangement between a dictator and the country’s…

No Clear Path

No clear path

There`s one thing the world is learning about Pakistan: this is a nation that likes binaries. Civil and military; Islam and secularism; dictatorships and democracies; China and the US; Sufi…

Importance Of Political Economics

Importance of political economics

One has to make a distinction between political economics and the dictatorial economics in developing countries. The conceptual frame is entirely different and the consequences that flow out of it…

Confronting The Bomb

Confronting the bomb

In this age of market dictatorship, superficial bestsellers have trivialised the book world. However, every now and then one comes across a work that can not be reviewed in one…

People Without Power

People without power

It was during military dictator Zia ul Haq’s rule that our illustrious economist Dr Mahbubul Haq, who was then federal minister for finance and planning, was heard making this comment:…