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The Grievance Of Pakhtuns

The grievance of Pakhtuns

Sophocles, one of the three ancient Greek tragedians whose plays have survived the ravages of time, was convinced that “Of all the ills afflicting men the worst is the lack…

Media In The Clouds

Media in the clouds

The Pakistani Taliban in disarray, their Afghan counterparts lying low as that country proceeds to elect a new leader, and Al-Qaeda generally looking somewhat lost between ‘Khorasan’ and its ancestral…

Let’s Talk

Let’s talk

Many weak-hearted persons – like me – heaved a sigh of relief when last week Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif announced to give peace yet another chance. We should be thankful…

Misrepresentation And Its Discontents

Misrepresentation and its discontents

The CIA-run drone program in Pakistan has had many defenders in its time, but few, I imagine, with Dr Akbar Zaidi’s credentials. In his cavilling attack on a clique of…

Misrepresentation And Imperialism

Misrepresentation and imperialism

Can a documentary film on the effects of drone attacks in Waziristan not even mention the Taliban even once and not be a misrepresentation? The documentary, Wounds of Waziristan, focuses…

A Six-month Timeline Is All We Have

A six-month timeline is all we have

By mid-2014 what many Pakistanis have been crying themselves hoarse about will have happened: most of the Americans in Afghanistan will have gone and we will be alone with our…

Viewpoint: Guru’s Hanging

Viewpoint: Guru’s hanging

The manner in which the Kashmiri 'militant' Afzal Guru was tried and secretly hanged in New Delhi's Tihar Jail on Saturday morning and buried in the jail premises unknown to…