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Settlers Who Won’t Be Missed

Settlers who won’t be missed

The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan recently published a booklet titled ‘The Baloch Who is Not Missing and Others Who Are’. It contains stories of Baloch missing persons and what…

Time To Reveal The Truth

Time to reveal the truth

For the last six years I have struggled in vain to understand the logic of our policymakers and their spokespersons when it comes to dealing with extremism and terrorism. I…

A City For All

A city for all

Islamabad may be beautiful but the city is not without its can of worms. The proceedings of suo motu case number 3 of 2011 in the Supreme Court of Pakistan,…

Nothing That A Miracle Can’t Cure

Nothing that a miracle can’t cure

Ask yourselves which of our problems we have solved since Independence. Do millions not continue to live in prehistoric squalor? Don’t hunger and disease still haunt the poor? Have not…

‘Security’ Via Appeasement

‘Security’ via appeasement

Pakistan is at war with itself on many fronts. It is not only a battle for its soul but also for its very existence. But the battle is already half…

Celebrating Women

Celebrating women

In early March I was fortunate to attend the Ladiesfund 2013 awards. This is an annual event set up by T.U. Dawood. The ceremony’s aim is to celebrate the achievements…

Financial Tsunami

Financial tsunami

Political tsunami, as popularised by Imran Khan, is now well-known in Pakistan. What is not known is ‘financial tsunami’, which has struck Pakistani shores in the last two weeks. This…

Society At Fault

Society at fault

While rushing bills through parliament last week, the government neglected to take up the 23rd Amendment bill, which seeks an increase in the number of seats for minorities. Staging walkouts,…

The PPP’s Trump Card

The PPP’s trump card

What’s the PPP’s trump card as it goes into the upcoming elections? The Sindh card? Not really. The PPP government’s performance during the last five years? Not in the slightest.…

Foreign Investment

Foreign investment

Four features of Finance Minister P Chidambaram’s budget stand out. First, thanks to its obsession with reducing the fiscal deficit, the budget fails to raise social-sector expenditure – just when…