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Feminisation Of Poverty

Feminisation of poverty

`What comfortable stereotypes we have created:`It is men who carry the major burden of economic work on this planet. They are the breadwinners. Women`s work carries no economic value.` Such…

No Longer Status Quo

No longer status quo

So the Swiss letter affair is over, with barely a blip appearing on the national political radar. Never mind that the federal government was hostage to the issue for three…

Emerging Economies

Emerging economies

Since long, Pakistan is locked up in a situation of economic volatility, infrastructural deficit, financial disaster in public sector entities and growing poverty. Reformatory policies undertaken by different sectors of…

Hostage Drama In Algeria

Hostage drama in Algeria

On January 6, the Algerian military stormed the Tinguentourine natural gas facility in Amenas, where three dozen Al Qaeda-linked terrorists were holding hostages. It has been established that American, British,…

Winds Of Change (Part III)

Winds of change (Part III)

The traumatic recent developments involving the long march to Islamabad of over a hundred thousand persons expressing their deep frustrations at the present political system reflect the agony of the…

Differences In Perception

Differences in perception

Why do perceptions vary over the outcomes of government policies and actions? In this writer’s view this is because interpretations and some of the official data may not be consistent…

Tough Lessons

Tough lessons

Watching the bizarre events in Pakistan over the last few days, I believe it is true: there are always two sides to a story, two ways of looking at the…

Poor Picture Of Health

Poor picture of health

Recent months have seen the deaths of some 300 children in Sindh, due to measles which is both preventable and treatable. No heads have rolled, however, and no sign of…

End Of A Dream

End of a dream

So it was not to be. Not because the people of the city were cruel – shehr ke log zaalim na thay – but because they were just indifferent. They…

Crying For The Light

Crying for the light

On Thursday, Pakistan died a little in Quetta. At least this is what it seems when you think about the tragedy and feel some empathy for the Shia Hazara community…