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Commitment To Poverty Alleviation

Commitment to poverty alleviation

Federal Finance Minister Ishaq Dar in his budget speech 2015-16 maintained that the PML-N government's focus on poverty alleviation is greater than that of the PPP-led coalition government and, as…

Still… Great People To Fly With

Still… great people to fly with

The mundane pedagogy of free market fundamentalism, summarised in the domestically revered slogan, "It is not the governments business to be in business", appears to be reaching its zenith in…

National Transformation Vision

National transformation vision

Many governments find an official national vision useful. Many institutions, business or otherwise, have mission statements. Political parties have their manifestos in which visions and strategies are offered. Official economists…

Crises Of Governance

Crises of governance

The federal government has been diligently trying for several weeks to convince the people that the central issue facing Pakistan is poor governance, but without offering any hope of redemption.…

Return Of Geopolitics

Return of geopolitics

A dominant theme at the recent World Economic Forum summit was that the return of geopolitics, turbulence and volatility were combining to shape today’s fraught strategic environment. As the eruption…

Kenyan Commandos On Frontline Of Poaching War

Kenyan commandos on frontline of poaching war

With camouflage uniforms, assault rifles, night vision goggles, thermal imaging devices and radios, wildlife rangers in Kenya's Ol Jogi rhino sanctuary prepare for night patrol in the "war" against poaching.…

Asia-Pacific Region Must Unlock Fiscal Space

Asia-Pacific region must unlock fiscal space

Asia-Pacific countries continue to drive the global economy. The region has demonstrated great resilience during the economic and financial crisis, contributing about 70 percent of world growth from 2008-2011. Yet,…

Energy Savers

Energy savers

The week-long Eid break has its pros and cons. Hence, there are those who think that such a long holiday is a drain on the already weak economy. However, with…

Pakistan’s ‘seven Deadly Sins’

Pakistan’s ‘seven deadly sins’

In the October 22, 1925 issue of his weekly publication, Young India, Mahatma Gandhi warned: “Wealth without work, pleasure without conscience, science without humanity, knowledge without character, business without ethics,…