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SMEs A Neglected Lot.

SMEs a neglected lot.

National financial integration can best be evaluated through the progress of two principal processes: the share of the SME sector (the dominant national business employer) in national credit, and the…

German Business Confident As China Shifts Gears

German business confident as China shifts gears

Confident or complacent, German business executives are bullish about their chances of profiting from China's transition to an economy fired by consumption rather than investment. As China deliberately dampens its…

No More Room For Own Goals

No more room for own goals

  The Pakistan football team may have lost to the Afghanistan national squad earlier this week in Kabul but none of the three goals conceded was an own goal. That…

Poor Picture Of Health

Poor picture of health

Recent months have seen the deaths of some 300 children in Sindh, due to measles which is both preventable and treatable. No heads have rolled, however, and no sign of…