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Network security workshop for women engineers organised at FJWU

Rawalpindi-Office of Research Innovation and Commercialisation of Fatima Jinnah Women University (FJWU) in collaboration with Riphah International University and Pakistan Education and Research Network (PERN), organised comprehensive Network Security Training…

Network Security Workshop For Women Engineer Organized At FJWU

Office of Research Innovation and Commercialization of Fatima Jinnah Women University (FJWU) in collaboration with Riphah International University and Pakistan education and Research Network (PERN) organized comprehensive Network Security Training and workshop for the faculty and students…

Quantum supremacy

The next giant leap forward in the computing world is expected to be quantum computing, which will have a profound effect on society. One major reason is the computational capability…

Assange And Democracy

Assange and democracy

The US government’s indictment against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange marked the worst attack on press freedom in history. Assange has been charged on 18 counts, including 17 violations of the…

Descent Into Despotism

Descent into despotism

America, driven by the monotheistic goal of Manifest Destiny, expanded its territory with brutality. It swallowed what is edible, assimilating immigrants one by one to its conception of what is…

The Future Is Near

The future is near

For most of their history, humans lived in tight packs of hunters and gatherers. The life of an average human resembled a single-shooter game, only there were spears for guns.…

Cyber Threat Grows For Bitcoin Exchanges

Cyber threat grows for bitcoin exchanges

When hackers penetrated a secure authentication system at a bitcoin exchange called Bitfinex earlier this month, they stole about $70 million worth of the virtual currency. The cyber theft - the…