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Covid-19 vaccines in a neoliberal world

The first major outbreak of coronavirus happened almost two decades ago in the shape of SARs (severe acute respiratory syndrome), after which the virus continue to appear from time to…

Infodemic’ risks jeopardising virus vaccines

As early as February, with the global pandemic spreading fast, the World Health Organization issued a warning about an “infodemic”, a wave of fake news and misinformation about the deadly…

Vaccine inequality and economic misfortune

‘The global scheme to deliver COVID-19 vaccines to poorer countries faces a “very high” risk of failure, potentially leaving nations home to billions of people with no access to vaccines…

Wasting vaccines

Since the Omicron variant of Covid-19 was detected, the stark global inequities that have characterised this pandemic have once again come to the forefront. From discriminatory travel bans to limited…

Reducing vaccine inequality

‘Ensuring widespread global access to Covid-19 vaccines, which is necessary for preventing cases and deaths and contributing to global population immunity, is a critical challenge and one that could threaten…

Vaccine availability

‘But while hundreds of millions of vaccine doses have been administered globally, there are deep disparities. In high-income countries, vaccine supplies are sufficient to provide for around one in four…