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Lockdown dilemma

We live in a guess world. It’s a health crisis and there is no scientific study to tell when the COVID spread is going to be over. In countries like…

Time to rise

That the country is on economic roller coaster is perhaps an understatement. The rupee, as I write this, has depreciated significantly, despite the State Bank of Pakistan being extremely cautious…

Costliest war, ever

The Covid-19 has proved to be a great leveler. The pandemic does not discriminate between the rich and the poor, mighty and the weak, left and right, between religious and…

Angry Trump denies plan to axe Dr Fauci

A furious, aggrieved President Donald Trump dismissed rumors Monday that he was going to fire his top medical advisor on the coronavirus pandemic but launched new fights with the Democrats…

In Britain, virus hits ethnic minorities hardest

When Amer Awan’s father died of coronavirus, mourners congregated with little thought of social distancing. But cultural practices alone do not explain why Britain’s ethnic minorities have been hardest hit…

Origins and challenges of Coronavirus pandemic

The current COVID-19 illness gripping the world is caused by the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, the second severe acute respiratory syndrome virus to emerge since 2002. As a result of its rapid…

Lives versus livelihoods?

Nobody would have ever thought to face a terrible trade-off, like we, to either baldly damage our livelihoods through prolonged lockdowns, or to sacrifice the lives of thousands, if not…

Mind your distance

Man is a social animal. Social isolation causes depression. Human interaction can never be replaced with machine interaction. Facebook can never substitute face to face. Virtual is not real. Human…