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Streamlining SOE privatization

In my previous piece in the pages (‘Privatize SOEs, please’, April 1), I had endeavoured to establish the need to aggressively and urgently privatize SOEs to save over a trillion…

Privatize SOEs, please

Nobody can deny the economic and financial turmoil Pakistan currently finds itself in. Yet, the country’s decision-makers are shy of taking hard decisions to stabilize the troubled economy. One policy…

The challenge of SOEs — II

The SOEs (State-Owned Enterprises) are generally being run at the whim of a chosen few, who are beholden to no system but instead their benefactors and appointers. In this environment,…

The future of SOEs [Part – II]

State owned enterprises in Pakistan have significant market presence, particularly in key service sectors like power generation and distribution, energy, aviation, and railways. The overall revenues of all the SOEs…

The future of SOEs [Part – III]

A detailed and rigorous exercise was undertaken to examine each SOE based on the ownership rationale and its financial performance as explained earlier, and all the commercial SOEs were categorized…

SOEs: status quo

State-Owned Entities (SOEs) continue to be the recipients of large annual budgeted injections in Pakistan and administration after administration has pledged to either initiate restructuring measures with the objective of…

The challenge of SOEs

The 190 State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) comprising Public Sector Companies (PSCs), Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) and Authorities, employing a total of over 425,000 personnel, incur a colossal loss of around Rs…

The fate of SOEs

The enthusiasm to turn around State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) through a newly-established entity Sarmaya-i-Pakistan Ltd (SPL) appears to be fading away. The government is reported to be now considering moving ahead with…

SOEs: most viable option

One of the IMF key benchmarks for the current Extended Fund Facility programme is the settlement of the fate of state-owned enterprises (SOEs). This in fact is a sore point…

Budgetary impact of SOEs

The Federal Ministry of Finance has published a report recently on the state-owned enterprises (SOEs). The focus is on the triage of reforms and the way forward. This report has…