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Regional Connectivity

Regional connectivity

Amidst the tense international political environment, the first six-nation Speakers’ Conference in Islamabad was a welcome move. The moot discussed the challenges of inter-regional connectivity and terrorism. Representatives from Russia,…

Common Ground For Regional Stability

Common ground for regional stability

President Ashraf Ghani seems to have succeeded in developing a regional strategy for Afghan stability that capitalises on a shared commitment to Afghanistan and other common interests in the region.…

Iran Deal: Regional View

Iran deal: regional view

THE `interim` agreement on Iran`s nuclear programme reached in Geneva two weeks ago was a seminal event in Iran`s relationship with the West and the world. Formidable obstacles remain in…

Contours of the new Middle East

HOW and why the Assad regime collapsed like a house of cards in a mere 11 days, after battling foreign-sponsored rebel groups, including IS and Al Qaeda, for some 13…