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PFM Act: a missed opportunity

  In a recurring tale of mismanagement, governments at various tiers in Pakistan have frittered away trillions of rupees on fruitless endeavours, leaving the populace bereft of desired socio-economic outcomes.…

Where no questions are asked

In Pakistan, polarization and rhetoric are at their peak and many conflicts abound whilst a terrifying brain drain and flight of capital are underway. With the recent IMF SLA, we…

Neighbourhood issues

Deep in trouble at home on the political and economic front while suffering new hits on the security question, Pakistan has managed to remain engaged on some critical neighbourhood issues.…

Brain drain

Internationally, the immigration of intelligent people from their native country is known as brain drain whereas for the country where they move to serve gets a brain gain. The main…

Judicial imperialism: Threat to democracy

When honourable judges, while claiming to enforce the constitution, render verdicts that cannot plausibly be related to the constitution the result is judicial imperialism posing a serious threat to the…

Through creative destruction: Part – II

Previously I discussed why Pakistan needs to break the IMF cycle of bailout programmes through debt restructuring and transformational reforms. I described this process as ‘creative destruction’: how we need…

Recalibrating governance – Part III

A major departure has to be made in the deployment of civil servants. Instead of senior, qualified and courteous officers being assigned to secretariat positions and junior, rude, unqualified functionaries…

A hard rain’s a-gonna fall

Political instability has hit a crescendo. Imran Khan has successfully ended his party governments in both Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Punjab and the remaining resignations of the PTI MNAs have been…

Transparency and the RTI

Pakistan’s Right to Information (RTI) Act is playing an instrument role in generating information that can help hold the corrupt accountable for their actions. The Toshakhana case is one such…

Opportunities for the government

The balance of payment) (Bocrisis has been aggravated by major currency depreciation taking place over the past few months, the rupee plunging 15% since December last. Surprisingly the currency has…