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Opening the corridors to peace

“The certain pathway to all things that you want is through the corridor of joy,” Esther Hicks. Kartarpur corridor has the potential of bringing joy to millions of spiritual followers…

The Legal Dimension Of Empowerment

The legal dimension of empowerment

There are visible gaps in the policy, discourse and practice of social development vis-a-vis the legal dimension of empowerment in Pakistan. Most of the social-mobilisation programmes have not incorporated the…

In The Corridors Of Uncertainty

In the corridors of uncertainty

Once again, the political system of Pakistan – fragile as it is – is under severe stress. Rumours about the exit of the government and installment of an interim setup…

Whispers In Campus Corridors

Whispers in campus corridors

We often think of college and university campuses as places where thoughts flourish and ideas of all kinds mix to create something closer to real-life situations than the more controlled…

Empowering Non-Muslims

Empowering non-Muslims

The Pakistan Movement was a purely democratic and peaceful struggle to protect the rights of common people. It is, however, very unfortunate that a country that was founded to protect…

The Real Corridors Of Prosperity

The real corridors of prosperity

In the hurly-burly of Pakistan's politics and the Kashmiri intifada, the IMF just released its twelfth and final review of the Extended Fund Facility (EFF) first contracted by this government…

Power Without Principles

Power without principles

In a move that is bound to demoralise the highly professional police command, the chief minister of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has asked the federal interior minister to provide Rangers for Peshawar’s…

Flood Control Or Signal-free Corridors?

Flood control or signal-free corridors?

Floods come but once a year. They cause havoc but then, as is the way with nature, the rivers calm down and their fury subsides. Rajanpur and Muzaffargarh and places…

Drunk On Power

Drunk on power

It is said that power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. I am generally suspicious of such adages but in some cases they are unerringly accurate. Our security establishment is…