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Pakistan’s Political Economy

Pakistan’s political economy

A Country which was clocking a growth rate a shade above 5pc per annum for most of its history is now finding that this rate has dropped to below 4pc.…

The People Must Get Political

The people must get political

The last few years have been defined by events of monumental proportions, events that caused quite a stir around the world. From the Middle East to Africa to Latin America…

Political Economy Of Reforms

Political economy of reforms

There is a perceptible gap between the recognition of the need for reforms and their actual implementation. Hence the feeling that ‘verbal reforms’ outnumber actual reforms. Why is there this…

Climate Communication

Climate communication

The ever increasing impacts of climate change have made the world sit up and discuss ways to tackle it. Increased carbon emissions are causing global temperatures to rise, leading to…

Deadly culture wars

“I come bearing an olive branch in one hand, and the freedom fighter’s gun in the other. Do not let the olive branch fall from my hand.” — Yasser Arafat,…

Can AI be destructive?

On May 17, Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI – the company that owns ChatGPT – urged for artificial intelligence (AI) regulations. He testified before the US Senate committee concerning…

Another economic disas-Dar

The Sharifs of London have miscalculated badly, but the costs of the miscalculation and the disas-Dar being unleashed on the economy are not going to be borne by them. Nor…

Inside the Red Zone: Truth about lies

On the truth spectrum, where does the chairman PTI lie? A loaded question this is not. At least not entirely. What it is though is a rhetorical concern about what…