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Transporting prisoners

It is so punctual this prison bus that passes by my residence every day at 8 in the morning. At the appointed time there is a loud blaring of horns…

Transparency and the RTI

Pakistan’s Right to Information (RTI) Act is playing an instrument role in generating information that can help hold the corrupt accountable for their actions. The Toshakhana case is one such…

The conspiracy that wasn’t

Ever since Imran Khan faced a defeat in the vote of no-confidence in the National Assembly, the former prime minister and his coteries have been talking about a foreign conspiracy.…

Unspeakable crime

Four months ago, two days before the civilized world celebrated one year since the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons came into force on January 22, officials here at…

Inspiration personified

“I’M no prophet. My job is making windows where there were once walls,” said Michel Foucault, a maverick French philosopher of the second half of the last century. Paul Farmer…

Battling transphobia

TWO brilliant khawaja sirah (transwomen) were awarded the Pride of Pakistan by the state at the Pakistan Day parade on March 23 in Islamabad — less than a week after…

Unspoken truth

When I first heard the news about the impending Russian invasion of Ukraine, I immediately thought about the day that I heard about the American invasion of Iraq in March…