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Hybrid rule 3.0?

IT is a right royal mess that is hard to clean up. A hung parliament through a controversial election has pushed the country deeper into the mire. It has been…

The rules of the ruling class : Part – II

After toppling the elected government of the Iranian prime minister, the ruling classes of the mighty state of America orchestrated another coup – this time in Latin America. In 1952,…

The rules of the ruling class : Part – I

Elected presidents, prime ministers and parliamentarians hold the power to draft legislation keeping in view the interests of the people. They are considered a symbol of power and authority, who…

Military coup in Myanmar

On a cold, wintry morning of Monday, February 1, 2021, the Myanmar military proved the weeks-long rumours of an impending coup correct. In early morning raids and other steps, the…

Elite capture and lack of rule of law

The country will pay a heavy cost for the most recent appalling example of vigilantism in the name of religion as evidenced in Sialkot, roundly denounced by the country’s military…

Rule-based order?

The US and its allies do not tire of telling all and sundry, especially China, to abide by the rule-based liberal order that the US-led West had established after World…

The right to rule

AMONG the first things senior military commanders are taught is never to fight on two fronts. Hitler and his Nazis learned this the hard way by attacking the Soviet Union…