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Social media-fuelled lynchings shock India

The smartphone footage shows the two blood-soaked men pleading for their lives. Moments later they were dead, two more victims of lynchings sparked by rumours spread on Facebook and WhatsApp…

Gaza And Western Media

Gaza and Western media

An Israeli attack on Gaza was imminent, and not because of any provocations by Palestinian groups in the besieged, impoverished Gaza Strip. The Israeli military escalation was foreseeable because it…

Media And International Conflicts

Media and international conflicts

A massive revolution in the field of information and communication technologies (ICTs) has defined the 20th century in a spectacular way. The very idea of globalisation has its origin in…

The Media’s Code Of Silence On Kashmir

The media’s code of silence on Kashmir

The Indian media boasts an illustrious history. Born during the freedom struggle against the British colonial rule, it quickly mastered the rules of the game, working around the stiff curbs…

Media coverage

THE Pakistani media’s tragic flaw is that rather than cover the story, it is too often part of the story. So it is again with regards to media coverage of…

Media blues

THE crisis afflicting Pakistan’s mainstream print and electronic media sphere is escalating. Apart from a series of high-profile resignations and sackings, there are also reports of several print publications cutting…

Social Media And Elections

Social media and elections

For a stable democratic society, the importance of a free and fair election cannot be denied. The credit for raising political awareness among people after a long struggle goes to…

A Question Of Media Ethics

A question of media ethics

Freedom of expression and the media’s freedom are usually considered interchangeable. They are often misconstrued to mean that no curbs can be imposed on the fourth pillar of the state.…

Inquiry Reports

Inquiry reports

In many a postcolonial country, leaders have adopted institutions inherited from the British while also denuding them of their soul and spirit — among them, inquiries into cases of gross…

Media In 2017

Media in 2017

In the year of Brexit and Donald Trump, neither of which the media saw coming, the talk has been of a broken media, unable to usefully analyse, report or inform…