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Sans transit

COMMUTERS in the federal capital have waited long for an effective mass transit system that plies on all critical routes. Despite the successful execution of the Islamabad metro, the city…

Energy transition

REMEMBER Kodak? It used to be a household name globally including in Pakistan. Kodak’s management failed to forecast the speed of technological transformation of digital photography. The pioneers of photography…

Public transit dream gone sour

FIVE years since field work was initiated in February 2016, the struggle continues to make operational only the Green Line of the Karachi BRT project (now called the Trans Karachi…

Transition times

In today’s world, knowledge has become the key driver for socio-economic development. Nations are no longer built just by investing in brick and mortar, roads and bridges, or dams and…

Save the planet

Over decades we have all operated in our different spheres of life – whether as journalists, academics, politicians, campaigners and educators – to ring the alarm about the way planetary…