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The deaths to come

THE situation in the country has become dire. For the past year, nearly every month has brought with it a feeling of foreboding. This, many Pakistanis routinely tell themselves, is…

The new dominion

Our ruling dispensations have reduced an abundantly endowed Pakistan to a pauper state. With a mere $4 billion in our kitty, we have a mammoth external debt and liabilities of…

The new superpower

A new class of tech elite is slowly emerging to monopolize global trade. Chips and semiconductors are the latest expensive resources. Batteries are an integral component of machines that will…

Sustainable forestry

International Forest Day is celebrated every year on March 21 to highlight the role of forests in sustainable development; threats to forest cover; and the need to preserve them for…

A hard rain’s a-gonna fall

Political instability has hit a crescendo. Imran Khan has successfully ended his party governments in both Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Punjab and the remaining resignations of the PTI MNAs have been…

From conferences to courage

Seldom does the world come across predicaments so immense that they call upon the very essence and cohesion of humanity to step in. Tumultuous and testing, 2022 was nothing short…

A plan for climate change

The recent floods in Pakistan are a manifestation of climate change. This is not a call but an irreversible shock to the country. We need to now analyze and anticipate…

Clearing mines

Today, due to displacement, economic collapse, and a disintegration of social services including health and education, most Afghans are living in increasingly precarious conditions. Up to 23 million Afghans are…

Encouraging genetic counselling

Due to a lack of awareness among the people as well as doctors – who are also inadequately trained to manage them – haemophilia and other inherited bleeding disorder patients…

Shameful inaction

World Trade Organization (WTO) “intellectual property” rules require countries to guarantee pharmaceutical corporations’ monopoly control over the medicines they produce, which means a long wait for production of generics. So,…