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Surmounting Crises

Surmounting crises

Pakistan is in the grip of yet another crisis-this is a recurrent pattern in our history showing weaknesses in the system lacking socio-economic justice, and clash of various conflicting interests…

The Crises Of A Liberal Ideology

The crises of a liberal ideology

In an opinion piece published in The News on March 16, ‘The Crisis of an Ideology’, Afiya Shehrbano criticises a particular brand of scholarship, mislabelled as ‘postmodernist’, for adopting a…

Culpability For Crises

Culpability for crises

The debilitating economic crises facing Pakistan and the deplorable state of public services are mostly a result of mismanagement, inaction and the blatantly wrong policies that have been pursued by…

Empowering women, empowering Punjab

Gender equality is more than a moral imperative; it is essential for a fair and just society and a catalyst for economic and social progress. It is enshrined in Pakistan’s…

Colonial mindsets

BRITISH Prime Minister Keir Starmer was recently accused of having a ‘colonial mindset’ by fellow lawmakers for declining to discuss slavery reparations in the Commonwealth Summit in Samoa. PM Starmer…

Pakistan’s unfinished polio fight

In a remote village in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan, a young boy named Ahmed, barely three years old, became the latest victim of polio. His story, tragically, is far from unique.…

Making 2024 count economically

A pivotal year which may become a turning point for Pakistan’s economy, 2024 saw significant progress in achieving macroeconomic stabilisation. The country made strides in controlling inflation, reducing interest rates,…

Missing the bigger picture

IN October, as cooler temperatures arrived and smog started to fill the skies across Punjab, the provincial government rolled out the Roadmap for Smog Mitigation in Punjab 2024-2025. However, this plan raises more…

Beyond the 26th Amendment

The 26th Amendment to the Constitution has sparked a range of reactions, receiving both criticism and acclaim. Critics argue that the amendment compromises the judiciary’s independence. The Secretary-General of the…