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Kashmir: facing multiple assaults

Just about every aspect of life for Muslims in occupied Jammu and Kashmir is under assault by India’s ruling BJP. The year 2022 saw Indian actions aimed at disempowering its…

The other story

IT’S a new day in Karachi, where the PPP has been able to take over the governance of a city which for decades was seen to belong to others. The…

Atypical politics

MANY wonder why our politics is so unlike Western democracies’. Politics emerges from and reflects societal realities. Our society is unlike Western ones and thus too is our politics. But…

Jinnah’s citizens

HISTORIANS have aptly noted that Jinnah kept his notion of Pakistan ambiguous — more promised homeland and less concrete reality, a tactical manoeuvre that ensured its clarion call would appeal…

Roots of the Taliban

PAKISTAN’S initial support for the Afghan Taliban regime proved short-lived — a surprising turn of events for many observers. After actively lobbying for international recognition for the Taliban administration, Pakistan…

A dangerous impasse

A PROMISING initiative by the Jamaat-i-Islami for a dialogue between the government and opposition seemed to falter early in the process due to hardline postures and contradictory signals from both sides. Meetings…

All that thunders

PERHAPS it was an overdose of news updates or just mental fatigue resulting from processing far too many stressful developments, but in the interest of transparency and openness one must…

Local democracy

THE Sindh government recently informed the ECP of its inability to hold local elections soon, citing the shortage of police personnel as the key reason. In the same vein, amendments…

Post-poll Karachi

AFTER a long wait, local government elections were finally held last month in Karachi and other locations in Sindh. The PPP, Jamaat-i-Islami and PTI emerged as the three largest parties.…

Without shelter

EVICTIONS in Karachi are the new norm. Whether it is the widening of a carriageway, the cleaning of a nullah or the clandestine facilitation of real-estate enterprises, the homes of…