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The inflation stew

THIS is the first time in more than two decades that inflation has actually risen when the implementation of an IMF programme begins. Consider that interest rates hit their peak…

Inflation and devaluation

  There was however positive news in the recent inflation data too. Prices in December rose by only 0.8pc over November, which was the second smallest monthly increase in a…

Inflation decline and no feel-good factor

The July inflation data was released by the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS) on the 1 of August, showing a decline in the Consumer Price Index to 11.1 percent as…

Need for revisiting 2 percent inflation target

‘The stock market crash is – perhaps – the long-awaited signal of a US economic slump.…The market meltdown and impending recession come over two full years after the Federal Reserve started hiking…

Big fall in the rate of inflation

The Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS) has come up with a very pleasant surprise. The year-to-year rate of inflation, as measured by the Consumer Price Index (CPI), has come down…

Budget: inflation must be top priority

Inflation is pushing an ever increasing number below the poverty line (currently estimated at 40 percent comparable to Sub-Sahara Africa) and the critical question that should, not likely to be,…

Did SBP and IMF get inflation wrong?

Following the recent approval by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Executive Board to release the final tranche of SDR828 million (approximately $1.1 billion) under the standby agreement for Pakistan, Deputy…