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Electrifying the future

Pakistan’s current economic conundrum can be attributed to surplus power generation capacity, which is a good problem, not a bad one. There is more power capacity that will be operational…

Task force on IPPs: another wild goose chase?

The formation of the Energy Task Force on Independent Power Producers (IPPs) appears to be a distraction from the real issues plaguing the energy sector. The focus on old IPPs,…

The problem with power

Pakistan’s power sector currently faces a severe crisis owing to multiple reasons, right from generation to transmission and distribution. Circular debt is at its peak and apparently seems insurmountable. This…

Power transmission: challenges

The power sector in Pakistan is facing a crisis of public perception amid the litany of technical challenges prevailing within Pakistan’s sector. While the popular media focuses on the capacity…

Redemption of the power sector

A host of sectoral lacunas prevailing in the energy sector have yet to be tackled leave alone overcome and the question that is being asked by the public is whether…

Capitalizing on coal

The government has been the biggest borrower from banks over the last decade, making up more than 70 per cent of banking assets. This has effectively crowded out private sector…

How to solve the ‘bijli’ problem

Electricity draws incessant howls of outrage from Pakistanis. From industrialists to lifeline consumers, from plutocrats to labourers; everyone is unhappy. Pakistanis demand cheap and plentiful electricity – everywhere all at…

The energy rip-off

Once an energy surplus country today it faces a circular debt of Rs 5.725 trillion, in addition to the power shortfall of Rs 2.703 trillion. The Islamic Republic of Pakistan…

Replacing hopium with reality-Part – I

The stubborn refusal to look reality in the face and the wish for a good old daddy saviour has been our norm for 75 years. Amidst the advocacy of unrealistic…

Hopium – I

Stubborn refusal to look reality in the face and wishing for good daddy saviour has been our norm since 75 years, advocacy of non-realistic planning, inability to take timely decisions,…