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Why do we go to the IMF?

THE resumption of the IMF package, that was badly needed to avert an external payments crisis, has reignited passions. As most countrymen wrestle with the question of whether or not…

Climate farce

THROUGH the course of this week, the rest of the world has been talking a lot about Pakistan. The setting is the idyllic Egyptian resort town of Sharm El Sheikh,…

AI journey: fueled by data, not hype

Advanced technology is the driving force behind modern states. Any state or society that lags in technology and innovation risks being left behind. Among the latest innovations, artificial intelligence (AI)…

Agriculture is not the future of Pakistan

The argument that Pakistan is an agrarian economy is always reinforced by the agriculture sector’s significant share in GDP, its role as the single largest exporter, the largest employer that…

Persistent decline of manufacturing sector

The latest monthly data for February 2024 on the Quantum Index of Manufacturing (QIM) has been released recently by the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics. There has been a decline of…

AI-powered learning

The time has come to revolutionize our education system by replacing traditional school, college, university and Ph.D. programs with a more modern, skill-focused approach driven by artificial intelligence, virtual technology,…

Stalemate in Ukraine?

As the conflict in Ukraine approaches the third year, with Ukraine’s recent winter push stalling and no notable Russian advancements, the stagnant front lines suggest a potential stalemate in 2024…

The world of AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a huge transformative force that is reshaping the landscape of various fields and industries. Its adaptive and analytical capabilities have led to major advancements…

Sleepwalking into the darkness

Venal and rent-seeking elites are a global phenomenon, but most countries don’t have to deal with the lack of imagination and basic incompetence that Pakistanis do. Every day the evidence…

Climate action and global security

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres recently warned: “Present trends are racing our planet down a dead-end three-degree temperature rise”. He is right. Unless we act decisively – beginning at the…