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Are terrorists born or made?

Are leaders born or made? This debate has consumed so much research and debate that it has produced some excellent strategic frameworks that have helped organizations enable leadership potential. When…

How To Aid A Terrorist

How to aid a terrorist

When we think of terrorism, we imagine bomb blasts: suicide bombers wearing vests with explosives and ‘handlers’ leading these killers to their targets. Sometimes we may think about training camps,…

Why They Doubt Global Terrorism

Why they doubt global terrorism

There’s no dearth of outspoken Muslims and non-Muslims like Michael Moore and Jean-Marie Le Pen sceptical of the origin and objectivity of international terrorism who become even more vocal when…

IS: A Global Challenge

IS: a global challenge

The sensational rise of IS, also known as Islamic State has caused global panic. It has also dramatically altered geopolitics, producing strange bedfellows. Putting aside their hostilities, the US and…

A Global Spectre

A global spectre

On October 11, 2001, exactly a month after the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centre, President George W Bush was informed by his CIA director, George Tenet, about the…

A Free Pass For Global Militants

A free pass for global militants

TODAY’S global terrorist knows how to disguise himself well. It is thus often difficult to spot him while he is moving from one country to another. He may be masquerading…

As Global Jihad Goes Local

As global jihad goes local

The international jihadist scene has been marked by two highly significant developments in recent weeks. In Pakistan, the armed forces launched a full-fledged operation against self-styled local and international jihadis…