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Euro is back on the scene for global central banks

Once hurt by crises and deflation, the euro is gaining popularity among central bank reserve managers thanks to a return to positive rates and geopolitics challenging king dollar’s appeal. Roughly…

Lack of economics behind politics Feb 12, 2024

The marriage between politics and economics is well established globally though in Pakistan political parties’ economic agenda varies little mainly due to the imposition of standard time bound quantitative conditions…

Money talks in politics

Money talks in politics and political processes globally, which necessitates regulations to ensure democratic values associated with accountability and transparency are not undermined - values that many a Pakistani political…

Climate finance geopolitics

THE lines of distinction between climate finance and traditional development financing have been blurred. Concurrently, national and provincial roles and responsibilities in Pakistan to access international climate finance have become…

Decaying politics

POLITICS is to acquire and use power to achieve one’s aims and is often autocratic (won via force to favour elites). However, its best form is democratic, where rulers present…

Politics in the digital age

The 10-point manifesto of the PPP is deeply disappointing and outdated in light of the social, economic, scientific, technological, and intellectual advancements of the 21st century. It primarily focuses on…

Year of global elections

Pakistani citizens will exercise their right to vote next month on February 8 to send their favourite political representatives to the National Assembly. In March, the Senate elections will also…

Climate action and global security

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres recently warned: “Present trends are racing our planet down a dead-end three-degree temperature rise”. He is right. Unless we act decisively – beginning at the…

Global oil disaster?

On October 19, 1973, immediately following the Nixon administration’s affirmation of a $2.2 billion military aid package to Israel in the aftermath of the Yom Kippur War, Arab states responded…