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Global AI governance

On November 8, in a groundbreaking move, a United Nations committee took its first definitive step toward regulating artificial intelligence (AI) in military applications. Spearheaded by South Korea and the…

Quest for global leadership: Part – I

With a nearly one-third contribution to global economic growth, China is positioning itself as a key player in reshaping the international landscape. Beijing asserts that it has played a pivotal…

A case for peace in South Asia

The strategic imperative for peace between Pakistan and India is undeniable, given their status as declared nuclear powers with the capacity to inflict severe damage on each other in the…

Regaining global relevance

PAKISTAN is becoming increasingly marginalised in international affairs. It is no longer able to shape the strategic environment in its neighbourhood to advance its interests, much less influence global geopolitics.…

‘Global boiling’

THIS year’s Haj turned tragic as over 1,300 pilgrims succumbed to soaring temperatures, which reached a blistering 51.8 degrees Celsius. This calamity marks a new chapter in the saga of…

South remembers

IN the world of WhatsApp, Muslim and Arab countries have taken a serious stance against Israel. In that little chamber — isolated from fact, reason and logic — the emir…

US & South Asia

PAKISTAN’S strategic ties with China are the keystone of its foreign policy. But it also wants friendly ties with Washington and has been concerned that the US-China rivalry could restrict…