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Putsch and shove

NEARLY 100 years ago, a bunch of radicalised, extreme-right Bavarians launched an audacious attempt to capture power locally, with a dream of subsequently extending it across Germany. The November 1923…

Chinese burn

IF China were vulnerable to guided missiles of the rhetorical variety, it would be licking its wounds. The West’s hostility appears to be approaching a crescendo, with scant regard for…

There’s a new spectre in Europe

The spectre of brutal policies has once again returned to Europe. However, this time it is neither communism nor the bloody red revolution; it is the pernicious far-right forces that…

Another day of infamy

While the advent of May 9, the first anniversary of attacks on some military installations after Imran Khan was taken into custody, had certainly prompted dark apprehensions about its political…

Italy is no country for young chefs

Like many young people growing up in Sardinia, Davide Sanna loved Italian cuisine and wanted to have a successful career as a chef. But to do so, he had to…

Drowning to live

The capsizing of a fishing trawler off the coast of Greece has shocked many around the world. At least 78 have died and several hundred remain missing. Pakistan was reportedly…