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A sense of history would help

INDIA’S fabled constitution is struggling with a very Indian flaw. It has too many filters to stop it from choking. The preamble promises a secular socialist democracy. Many are openly…

Decolonising the law

TOWARDS the end of World War II, the idea of ‘decolonisation’ with its attendant images of freedom fighters, ouster of the English colonisers and creation of independent nation states had…

Never say die

HENRY Kissinger, often viewed as a war criminal, marked his 100th birthday last Saturday amid the usual accolades of the high and mighty, alongside a few barbs from others with…

India’s first tribal president

INDIA is such a complex country with its mosaic of ethnicities, belief systems, castes, sub-castes, regions, languages that are perpetually jostling to catch the eye, and so much else in…

The works of Jamal Abro

The Sindhi short story is nearly a century old now. In the early decades of the 20th century, writers such as Mirza Qaleech Baig, Lalchand Amardinomal, and Jethmal Parsram started…

People’s power in BD

PEOPLE’S power has toppled one more authoritarian regime. Another bloody day in Bangladesh ended in triumph for the uprising in that country. Defying a nationwide curfew, hundreds of thousands of…

The rising tide of students

A student-led mass movement has shaken Bangladesh, leading to the ouster of the country’s iron lady, former PM Sheikh Hasina. Young people and students have once again shown their power.…

How democracy endures

Events in Bangladesh need not be an eye-opener. It has been demonstrated often enough that democratic legitimacy through strict adherence to the constitution ensures stability. Any attempt to short-circuit it…

Matters of sovereignty

Since achieving independence from British imperialism, some of our circles have been continuously claiming that Pakistan has not achieved absolute sovereignty and we are de-facto slaves of imperialist forces like…

Stories from Hazara

The tradition of writing historical novels in Urdu is over a century old. From Abdul Halim Sharar and Rashidul Khairi to Aslam Rahi, M Aslam, and Naseem Hijazi, there is…