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The rudderless energy sector

The country’s print media this week brought to surface the prevailing state of affairs in the energy sector of the country, exposing the extent to which the sector has slid…

Reforms in energy sector

The federal government has decided to set up Pakistan Petroleum Exploration and Production Authority as part of its plan to introduce reforms in the oil and gas sector. Presently, the…

Energy sector challenges

Prime Minister Imran Khan, while chairing a meeting this week to review progress of reforms in the energy sector, is reported to have expressed his grave concern at the negative…

Energy sector

There were times when our energy sector was rated in the region as one of the best performing and forward looking sectors. It was a great blend of well-performing entities of…

The intractable energy sector

Decades long poor planning and flawed policies in the energy sector have finally brought matters to a head and until and unless some bold politically challenging measures are not immediately…

The changing energy sector

The tenure of the incumbent government in May 2013 commenced with the agenda to provide relief to the public from load-shedding. This was supposed to be done through adding more…

Corona and the energy sector

The government continues to be in search of a way out for reducing or arresting the projected increase in gas and electricity tariff. I have also been arguing the need…

Reducing Losses In The Energy Sector

Reducing losses in the energy sector

The energy sector seems to be a double-edged weapon; if you don’t have it, you suffer and if you have it and can’t manage it properly, you may suffer more.…