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Lack of economics behind politics Feb 12, 2024

The marriage between politics and economics is well established globally though in Pakistan political parties’ economic agenda varies little mainly due to the imposition of standard time bound quantitative conditions…

How to achieve economic prosperity

India, Bangladesh, Vietnam and some other emerging markets have made tremendous strides in the economic and financial sectors. This prompts many to assert that Pakistan can also be an economic…

Global economic outlook 2024

By unlocking big, bold investments, we can drive sustainable development and climate action and put the global economy on a stronger growth path for all. We must build on the…

The missing economic manifesto clarity

As Pakistan enters a new election cycle, it is imperative that political parties should come up with not only actionable steps but to indicate very clearly whether the economic philosophy…

Rising global economic uncertainties

‘Businesses, governments, and investors were already navigating a foggy global landscape before the tragic events unfolding in the Middle East. …Even in the highly unlikely event that the geopolitical situation…

Important global economic challenges

Decades of neoliberal assault of advocating greater market fundamentalism, and lesser government regulation produced a global financial and economic order with serious resilience, and equity issues, which were glaringly exposed,…

Beyond macroeconomics

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) epitomizes a global economic paradigm rooted in inequality with little emphasis on inclusiveness. Advocates of this model argue that some degree of inequality is essential,…