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Economic threat

The election drama will be over soon, but the economic theatre is going to haunt the country in the coming days. While this real threat is still here, it is…

Comparing economic performances

PEOPLE often ask which political party has the best track record of managing the economy and producing the best results. It is a tricky question to give a straightforward answer…

Output: uptick, downtick or…

This is the second of a two-part series focusing on the contribution to dealing with the ongoing economic impasse, if any, of policies currently being implemented. These can be differentiated…

Output: uptick, downtick or …

This is the first of a two-part series focusing on the significant divergence in calculation of Gross Domestic Product by the government and the international donors. And the possibility of…

Gross financing, and medium-term economic strategy

International Monetary Fund (IMF) Country Report No. 22/288, released in September 2022 – the last such report released, since there have been no successful programme reviews completed since then, given…

FY23: Uncovering drivers of economic performance

The National Account numbers for FY2023 have been published and, unfortunately, they paint a truly dismal picture of economic performance. Under the PDM (Pakistan Democratic Movement) government, economic activity has…