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Budgetary system & fiscal governance

Pakistan’s budget process, while clearly defined in the 1973 Constitution, subordinate legislations like the Public Financial Management Act (PFMA), 2019 and guided by detailed manuals e.g. Budget Manual 2020, suffers…

Home-grown economic plans

THE government recently formed a committee of eminent international and Pakistani economists to draft a home-grown economic programme. This article shows that there is little need for such a committee. There is…

Governance & competent states

THE global debate over governance continues — what constitutes good governance and how it helps to determine the fate and fortunes of nations. It is axiomatic that effective governance and…

Good governance

SUCCESSIVE governments, both elected and military, have failed to provide good governance to Pakistan. A perfect storm created by chronic political instability, inconsistent economic policies, weak institutions, pervasive corruption, and…

Governance test

THE Shehbaz Sharif government faces multiple challenges — from the opposition, its political allies and from growing public discontent with a dire economic situation as people struggle with a cost-of-living…

Governance in Balochistan

Balochistan is in turmoil. At one end, there are peaceful mass demonstrations. On the other, an active violent insurgency that is spilling over outside the province. Common to both is…

Geo-economics over geo-politics

The strategic shift from geo-politics to geo-economics is a welcome initiative. In a world where the relative importance of a nation is determined primarily by its economic strength, the focus…

Stunted governance, stunted economy

Even after 60 years of financial market development, the local companies are still a small part of the market at about 30%. The KSE-100 is dominated by 31 family-owned companies,…

Economic emergency

FOR most Pakistanis, the prevailing economic conditions have unleashed unprecedented hardship. Steep power tariffs and high fuel costs have made everything expensive. Even the basic necessities are now beyond the…