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Oscar spotlight shines on India’s rural women journalists

An all-women team of smartphone-toting, low-caste reporters who chronicle India’s hardscrabble heartland may give the cinema-mad country its first Oscar-winning film, after their own story became a critically lauded documentary.…

Coronavirus war – the mental battle

The mind hates uncertainty. The mind dislikes lack of clarity. Uncertainty and un- clarity create fear of the unknown. Fear creates anxiety and anxiety corrodes positivity, creativity and growth. The…

Beware the ‘Ides of July

aFollow the curve. Spikes. Resurge. Flattening. RO rate. These are probably the most searched and discussed topics globally. The mysterious virus is still baffling but less enigmatic. Research and science…

They know what we don’t?

It may be a family feud - the anti-Iran Arabs and Iran tolerant Arabs - but somehow it drags in non-family, offering them the Hobson's choice of 'with us or…

Corruption index

CONSIDER a hypothetical case: there are no systems in a country to check corruption but there is still zero corruption in the country because all its citizens are honest for…

Expand Ehsaas, extend lockdown

Pakistan’s health crisis could explode , gravely crippling its society, economy and national security, if the lockdown is lifted prematurely. The Almighty has been very kind to Pakistan so far.…