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Debt, inequality and austerity

‘In most western countries, inequality is rising, and social mobility has stalled. Our citizens are losing purchasing power. They are struggling to find a decent job, to buy a proper…

German budget row prises open debt brake debate

Germany’s budget crisis has given new momentum to reforming self-imposed borrowing limits even among the opposition conservatives, as hunger for sorely needed investment trumps an earlier political obsession with fiscal…

No more gas circular debt buildup?

Gas price rationalization is a big reform undertaken by the caretaker government in view of the fact that in the past successive political governments failed to implement it. Increases in…

Private savings, govt dissaving: debt

Savings by an individual/householder or a government have different objectives and constraints and while a healthy savings account maybe a desired goal for a householder yet it is not always…

Anatomy of ‘Debt Management Strategy’

Pakistan’s persistent fiscal imbalance has cast a negative shadow on the overall economic scenario. Unless significant and enduring fiscal reforms are initiated and implemented with full vigour, the likelihood of…

Debt, weak multilateralism, and austerity

The number of developing countries having high debt levels, that is having public debt more than 60 percent of their gross domestic product, increased from 22 countries on January 1,…

Climate change, debt, and inflation

“If you’ve been feeling confused and as though everything is impacting on you all at the same time, this is not a personal, private experience,” says historian Adam Tooze. “This…