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South remembers

IN the world of WhatsApp, Muslim and Arab countries have taken a serious stance against Israel. In that little chamber — isolated from fact, reason and logic — the emir…

Our economic potential

“LORD, we know what we are, but know not what we may be.” Shakespeare alludes to human potential which is always higher than its present condition. Allama Iqbal elaborated on…

Fading optimism

SECTIONS of the clergy and society have issued an outright condemnation of the dance performance that took place at the Independence Day ceremony as shameful and going against the ideology of Pakistan.…

A bogus law

ON March 1, 2023, the Supreme Court of Pakistan upheld the single most crucial time-limit provided for in the Constitution: provincial polls in 90 days. To any reasonable person — forget any…

Local democracy

THE Sindh government recently informed the ECP of its inability to hold local elections soon, citing the shortage of police personnel as the key reason. In the same vein, amendments…

Corrupt absolutely

SOMETHING strange, unsettling and heartbreaking is happening in the world. Unpleasantness does not diminish the reality; it makes it unpalatable, but even bitter truths must be acknowledged. The corruption narrative…

Hard reset, anyone?

ARE the political events in Pakistan with its multiple crises leading to an intervention? This is the grim warning sounded by nearly every second commentator who has despaired of the…

A brief history of our left: Part – II

In Pakistan, you are more likely to come across autobiographies of retired civil and military bureaucrats than from political activists and leaders. A majority of retired officers tend to spin…

How democracy endures

Events in Bangladesh need not be an eye-opener. It has been demonstrated often enough that democratic legitimacy through strict adherence to the constitution ensures stability. Any attempt to short-circuit it…

Rashad, my father

How do you write about a person who remained an integral part of your life for over 60 years? Someone who guided and helped you at every turn of your…