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The Dictator’s Shadow

The dictator’s shadow

Accusing someone of faking an illness is the surest way to come off as an insensitive fool. Pervez Musharraf is now 70 years old and must, at a minimum, be…

No Country For Old Dictators

No country for old dictators

BETWEEN the prime minister of Pakistan, which 16-year-old Malala Yousafzai wants to become some day, and a Nobel winner for peace, which she might have become this week, the former…

A Dictatorial Farce

A dictatorial farce

One of the greatest farces played out during Musharraf’s dictatorship was that of higher education. Soon after his coup, Musharraf endowed the Higher Education Commission with powers which were similar…

Have Dictators Achieved More?

Have dictators achieved more?

The dismal situation today is feeding nostalgia for Musharraf. Was he worth it? Not for democracy-idealists like me! However, since many can tolerate dictatorships if they deliver, I consider this…

Protests Against Dictators

Protests against dictators

Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani recently made a curious statement. He said the people of Pakistan had tolerated several dictators and wondered why they would not bear with a government…

Democracy And Dictatorship

Democracy and dictatorship

Our rulers still firmly believe that “the worst democracy is better than the best dictatorship.” But ground realities are different. There have been examples in recent times where dictators have…

Failure Of Dictatorship & Democracy

Failure of dictatorship & democracy

HOW would you feel if you lived in a poor neighbourhood and your neighbours started getting rich while you became poorer? Angry, envious, depressed, suspicious? Pakistanis have experienced these emotions…

Exorcising Dictators’ Ghosts

Exorcising dictators’ ghosts

Where do dictators go when their time’s up? Some get executed; such as the Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceausescu who, along with his wife, was shot dead by a firing squad…